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RE: What an Amazing Week for Hive

in OCD3 years ago

Hive really is a tough one because no matter how much you own and how high the price goes, you usually always have it staked, so it isn't accessible anyway and even if you wanted to, you probably wouldn't because why give up that chance of earning passive income! That stinks about Enjin. I wish that would have worked out better for you.


Hahah! I know man. That is so true. But if I'm being honest, the fact that my Hive is locked up has actually contributed to me not selling it off during one of my bad mood spells. There has been a few times that I have clicked the power down button, then turned it off like 2 days later. It is sort of like filling your shopping cart with expensive stuff, then dumping it out before leaving the store I guess.

That stinks about Enjin. I wish that would have worked out better for you.

That has been a really hard pill to swallow. I've never owned any other coin that I got 100s of thousands of for a fraction of a cent. And then sold them like a dummy. Hive would have to reach unimaginable levels in order for my stake to be worth what my ENJ would be worth now had I kept it. But hey, life gives hard lessons - and mine was to trust my instincts, not my emotions.

I totally understand what you are saying!