in OCDlast year
Hello everyone, I am by name Onaha Brendan Tochukwu and this is my first and introductory post.


It all began with a mild pressure from my immediate younger brother @ernesto6402 who always speak of this strange platform where you can earn money just by posting. To tell you the truth, it was the money part that captivated me then😀. Being an inquisitive and a research oriented personality, I decided to go find out more about it. I definitely didn’t ask much questions; I wanted to find things out myself. I was certainly able to find out few things on the internet. In fact, I was able to create a hive account. Though I succeeded in opening an account but then, the desire to go on with the whole process wasn’t just there. I just couldn’t see the needfulness in the whole stuff anymore. And that was the end of me and hive from the 30th of December 2023 till date. But I am back, and I think I am ready now. From the little lecture I got from @ernesto6402 on what this wonderful community have to offer, I really feel the need to be a part of it all. I am eager to make the little difference I can.




I am a gentle an easy going young Nigerian man, an electrical engineer [by profession] and a music lover. I also like food😎. Yes! I love eating. As a matter of fact, you can joke about anything with me but not food. I love all food; but most especially, I love my favorite: a well pounded Akpu and Bitter leaf soup. Akpu is a special cassava made Nigeria swallowable food (the cassava is well pounded to bring about the end product which is Akpu), while bitter leaf soup is a soup made from the Nigerian bitter leaf. Akpu and bitter leaf soup is particularly an Igbo dish, and by implication, I am proudly an Igbo Man (Igbo is a major tribe in Nigeria).


I and Music

I have already mentioned being a music lover to you above. But then, I beg that you allow me elaborate a bit more on that. My musical journey began with my early school days. As a student of Holy Ghost Junior Rate Minor Seminary Ihiala (my high school), I was practically forced into the choir. I definitely didn’t like it, but that was the beginning of my musical life. At that tender age, I was able to learn basic music theory. As a result, I acquired basic knowledge on how to read sheet music. Junior Rate Choir took me to several places in Nigeria; standing on numerous stage and rendering different songs as a young boy soprano gradually improved my pattion for good music. After my high school, I joined my Parish Choir (St Cecelia Catholic Choir Igwuruta Port Harcourt). Leaving Port Harcourt for a while for my caulage, I also joined my school chaplaincy Choir. There I met great musicians who help me improve my musical skills the more. I was also able to learn a bit of the Keyboard. Coming back to Port Harcourt where my Parents live,
I was made my Parish Choir Master. And that was for me a super wonderful experience, I got to meet wonderful and great personalities. Ones that I will never forget. With the nature of current job, I am completely based in Port Harcourt any longer. That also implies that I am not close to my Choir anymore. And that really hurts😔.

My Family

I come from a typical Nigeria family. A very strict one. My Parents are not the type that take it easy on you, they were extremely strict when it comes to our upbringing. Thank God I am a grown man now😀. Notwithstanding the strictness of my parents, they paid very good attention to the education of I and my four siblings. I am the eldest of my parents children. The next is my complicated philosopher brother Ernest(@ernesto6402). He is my immediate younger brother and a very grounded musician, probably a better musician than myself. Ernest was the one who ignited in me the desire to be part all these. After him comes my one and only lovely and stubborn sister Eugenia (@eugenia7499). She is currently an English and Literature student in the University of Port Harcourt Nigeria. She is also good with fashion as she is a trained fashion designer. The next is my multitalented younger brother Uzochukwu. Uzochuku is an electrician, a mechanic, a builder and a musician at the same time😄. He is definitely someone you should meet. The last of them is my youngest brother Ebube. Ebube just rounded up with his high school and he is currently a fashion designer in training. I have a very wonderful and unique family, and I owe them my world. I definitely can’t pay back😀. But then, what are families for🤷‍♀️.



After some lectures with @ernesto6402 about hive blockchain, I have come to realize that hive is a place that brings hope to hopeless talents. That was my first motivation, the fact that I got to publish my work with the assurance that they will be directed to the perfect audience. The fact that I will definitely be able to make an impact😊. I simply happy to be here.


I have come here with hipper high targets. I just pray I am able to archive them all. First, I want to meet great personalities, those who will definitely have positive indelible impact on me. Second, I wish to establish a personal community of friends with people of diverse community. Lastly, I want simply want to make an impact. To ensure then that my vision come to being, I will play my role in every capacity. Thus, I will do all that is in my power for the growth of this awesome community.


I have said lots of things already, and still got much to say. But not withstanding, I will be ending here with gratitudes. I seize this opportunity to thank my dearest brother @ernesto6402 for helping me actualize this very milestone of my life. My gratitude also go to each and every one of you who put in one effort or the other to ensure that growth of this interesting community. And lastly, I thank the almighty for what he did and what he does. One love✌️


Well done bro! Thank God you finally made it. Welcome to the community


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Thank you so much @hivebuzz. It’s good news for me😊; I will also ensure working towards my next goal.

You're welcome @brendantochukwu! Have a nice day 😊👍

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Happy blogging.

Thank you so much @airhawk-project for you warm welcome 🙏

Music is one of the things that makes one feel good if you understand it's messages, it's nice seeing someone that likes music. Welcome to hive @brendantochukwu you have a nice Introduction it's nice seeing you here

Now that you are here, do you mind if I invite you to join the newbies initiative. They will guide you in everything you need to know on hive, Check out the @newbies-hive that will put you through the right steps, you can also check this account out; @newbies-hive. I am sure you will like it when you check it out.

Welcome to hive once again

Thank you so much my friend. I will definitely check that out...

Ohana welcome to this platform and the reason you joining will surely be accomplished...

Thank you so much my friend. I really appreciate your kind words
