in OCD2 years ago


In the months leading to my decision to create this account, I battled depression so severe that I considered harming myself in several ways. As far as I was concerned, I deserved it.

I turned twenty-six this year so while I might be a newbie on Hive, I’m certainly not new to adulting and being aware of the responsibilities that come with it. Also, considering that I’m the first child of a less-than-middleclass family of three, said responsibilities are even more highlighted for me.

So, why then did I repeatedly make regrettable financial decisions? Why could I never give account of where the good money I was earning was going to? Crazy thing was that I thought I had savings (LOL!) until June this year when the contract I had with my 9 to 5 job ended. It was painful and initially hilarious, when I checked my savings apps and discovered that I had nothing significant in them.

> No regular job. No steady income source. No family wealth to fall back on. Disastrous trifecta!


It was stupid. People from humble backgrounds cannot afford to be so careless.

I didn’t even buy expensive or designer clothing. I didn’t buy expensive gadgets. So where the fuck did my money go???

When I was finally able to brace myself and look through my account statements, I almost wept. Uber rides and takeouts almost on a daily basis. Poor investment choices. That was where my money had gone to. A grown ass adult. LMAO 😂


I guess I wouldn’t have been so hard on myself if it was the first time I was mismanaging my money. In that case I’d probably have told myself something comically encouraging like “shit happens” and get back on my feet almost immediately. But this particular shit had happened one time too many! Was I under a spell?

Crazy thing is that whenever close friends wanted to discipline themselves, they would send me money to help them curtail their spending. They saw me as a disciplined, put-together human. And boy, am I excellent at handling people’s money and offering them financial advice! Advice I never took myself.

Now I have paid dearly in the past for my poor financial decisions, and each time I feel bad and promise myself to do better. I read financial books and watch videos online. Unfortunately, I never actually spoke to anyone - not a financial advisor or even close friends to keep me accountable - about my struggles.
You guessed it – I continued mismanaging my money. And this year, I suffered and am still suffering severe consequences.


Good news is I’m gradually picking up the pieces of my life. I don’t hate myself so much anymore. This is not the second or hundredth time I’ve attempted a do-over in my financial life, but I’m positive this time I’ll be able to make sustainable decisions.

If you think you’ve screwed up in any aspect of your life, it’s natural to want to feel terrible about yourself. You could do this for a little while, to help you put things in perspective. But, please, don’t stay down for too long. Seek the needed help, then dust your behind and start over.


I’m sounding like something of a motivational speaker, ain’t I? I’m not one though. I’m a freelance ghostwriter (fictional and non-fictional) and I’m gradually learning copywriting and content marketing. Also, in the course of finding redemption I have come to love reading and brainstorming on good financial practices. I intend to put up content relating to the above, while connecting with as many people and communities on this platform. Let’s all grow together 🤗🤗

For now, please just call me Salesman. 😊

PS: Just putting this out there feels cathartic. This is the first time ever I’m giving people a glimpse into this particular struggle of mine, because I’ve been scared to be judged and thought of as irresponsible. Even though that’s what I have been, I didn’t need extra help rubbing it in; I was doing that all by myself already. I have plans of talking with a financial advisor soon enough and drawing up a sustainable financial plan.

Big thanks to @bhoa who is always publicizing Hive on Twitter. That was how I was able to learn more about this platform and create an account on @ecency.

PPS: I love the way I’m feeling right now – lighthearted, unburdened. I love it here already!

Images obtained from Unsplash and Pixabay.


Hello @buddingsalesman! This is @jcrodriguez from the @OCD team. Congratulations for making your presentation post to the community.

It would be great if you put one of your other social networks on the Hive profile.

I also invite you to explore other communities that you might like in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program. There is a wide variety of topics. Check out all the communities. If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide. They are easy to understand and useful for learning how the platform ecosystem works.

Content on Hive is monetized, so using content or images that belong to others could be considered an offense. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Thanks a lot for the tips.

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