My Introduction to the Hive Community

in OCD2 years ago


My name is Emenike favour Nkiruka Cecilia. I hail from Mbaiotli local government area, Imo State, Nigeria. I studied accountancy and had my ordinary national diploma (OND)certificate from the Federal School of Statistics, Ibadan.
I am currently working as a Customer Service Officer in Fidelity bank, a unit where we attend to customers' complaint and needs in terms of maintaining their accounts. Honestly, it has not been easy dealing with people from different places, background and mindset. It really has been challenging. Sometimes I encounter customers that insult me and sure enough I still have to apologize and attend to them nicely. Its also been fun coming across different people, learning new things and making new friends and growing networks. I've also made a dear friend by name Chika. She's been very supportive, with her, I do not always feel the pressure.


Chika and myself.....

I plan to further in my line of study, get a BSc from the University of Lagos (UNILAG) where I intend to study accounting and finance and also during this period write other professional exams so I can apply for a promotion. I have always admired graduates and professionals and dream of the day I would be able to partake completely in the great harvest of education which is human civilization and self actualization.
My hobbies are of course writing, reading, traveling, singing and cooking.


Living to me is a step higher than existence. Everyone and everything exist both visible and invisible but what causes living is life.
Existence is a reality as opposed to appearing. It is an actual or present occurrence. it is constrasted with non existence.
Living on the other hand is being active, it is possessing the ability to grow and change, it is having the quality that distinguishes one as vital and functional.
This ability to be functional and vital is called life. Life has its ups and downs, turns and twists and is measured by not what one has achieved or gained but by what mankind has gained from one and the contribution one has been able to make to mankind.
Life happens as it is said, but it's determined by ATTITUDE. It will either bless you or bury you the difference lies in your attitude. That is why life is only 10% what happens to us and 90% how you react to it.
Jesus according to Matthew 13 verse 55 was criticized and placed within a boundary when does in the synagogue said isn't he the carpenter's son?. They were amazed that a carpenter's son could possess such wisdom and do mighty things. But Jesus did not give in to the limiting thoughts they wanted to place on him, instead, in Matthew 21 verse 42 he saw the rejection of Man as the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in our sight Jesus saw God in everything and came out victorious. He had the right ATTITUDE and that changed it all.
In conclusion we have the power to be blessed or buried by life all it takes is the right ATTITUDE.


I got to know about this platform through few friends who make portrait and still life drawings. For years they've been posting on this platform. They introduced the platform to me one of which is @ezunjoshy, his brother @ezuntimmy.

"This platform is awesome" was my first expression when I got to know about it. It is one that if taken seriously, can add to the standard of one's living and lead to development.
Firstly, it helps me write and read more books as well aswrite-ups introducing me to new things everyday. Instilling the skills and making me read extensively.
It trains me also to become a better writer by practicing my daily writing helping me to discipline myself.
It helps me work on my talents which of course is writing develop my vocabulary and discover those aspects of writing I did not know I could do i.e educational inspirational poetry e.t.c
It helps create awareness of what I can do to the readers and public at large.
It also encourages me to write more and better knowing that my write-ups/ articles would be voted for by the public. The aspect of voting shows that the reader likes and Is interested in my work which of course encourages me most.
And lastly it is a source of income which would definitely lead to an increase in standard of living. So I think it is awesome!!!


I am a writer so I'll be doing more of writing on this platform. I will be writing articles on education, making inspirational and motivational posts, thoughts on philosophy, stories (fiction and non-fiction), lifestyle hacks, jokes/comedy and some times news update.


I intend adding value to this platform by putting my best into my write ups and the platform as a whole. Also by inviting friends to join the platform either to post or to read.


I wish to improve more on my writing skills, gain more votes, introduce this platform to a number of friends and of course build my hive power.

Hope to see you around more often..... thanks for stopping by, love ya 💖.....


Welcome ceec-nk!
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Welcome to the Hive community @ceec-nk!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

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Have fun and happy Hiving!

Thanks for the heads-up, I'm feeling much welcome...

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Welcome to hive!!

Welcome to Hive ☺️. Glad to have you here ❤️

I'm also glad to be here, thanks..

Welcome to Hive

Thanks 😁😁

Hi @ceec-nk welcome to Hive.

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