My Inspiration!

in OCD3 years ago (edited)


I remember I wrote an article about ASPIRATIONS in life.....and how to make it happen or perhaps come into existence.

I talk about inspiration in my topic, inspiration is a new idea, especially one which arises suddenly and is clever or creative in the sense that it leads to aspiration.
It's one striking thought that comes unexpected in your mind, running wild and round your an electric light sparkling to explode.

The person who inspired me is ME, now that sounds funny or weird, nope it doesn't.

I could remember clearly when I first had my inspiration, that moment was like woah I felt very strong, eager and fierce it looks like there was a zeal inside of me wanting to manifest it's power to prove he actually was the inspiration!

Yeah I felt like a goddess of war, not wanting any obstacles obstructing me, was ever ready to slay any thing, it could be negativity, bad vibes, bad influence, bad company and bad thoughts!

All I ever wanted is and was support, courage and also mentoring.... someone putting me through and not letting me go astray from my direction.

Often I challenge myself in doing things, that is the way I overcame sluggishness and stood by myself firm.


Great post.

Have a great day.

@tipu curate

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