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RE: Ending 2020 with Bang: Dreams Do Come True!

in OCD3 years ago

Awesome to see good things are happening to you!
Filipino community is really strong and it is great to see how you stick together and help each other.

And btw last photo is sooooo tempting to jump in this crystal clear water :)

 3 years ago  

Thank you, @crazy-andy! Happy New Year!

Filipino community is really strong and it is great to see how you stick together and help each other.

I think it comes from the change of mindset. Before it was all about earning, but the real strong suit of Hive is about connecting people and making friends and then extending it in real life. There is still Filipinos with that "earning first" mindset, but hopefully, we'll eventually change that as we continue to create ripples of positivity. I'm glad I found a lot of people who share the same mindset.

It was really tempting, but it would be a long way down. 🙈 And you're not sure if you'll be safe from injuries.