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RE: Let's read something good

in OCD4 years ago

Oh that's nice! I admire those who can read e-books. I find it difficult to focus and I am a hoarder of books, the old traditional way of taking notes, reading page by page. But as long as our mind benefits from the reading, the way we do it is not important😊


I have MS and my vision is not what it used to be. I love books and I love reading, but sometimes the font is difficult, and on my Kindle I can make it as large as I need it to be. Plus my left hand doesn't always behave the way I expected to, and I was forever dropping the book when I tried to turn the page and losing my place. Reading e-books has really returned my joy of reading!

Oh I must tell you that everytime when a person tells me with such joy that they love reading.... Something smiles in my heart. The power of books is incredible and it never ceases to amaze me!

!Engage 50

Same. If I know someone loves books I know we are Kindred Spirits. I recently donated five large grocery bags full of books to the book sale at our Public Library. My bookshelves are still overflowing and I have many many bookshelves! I have a large walk-in closet that my grandkids call the library closet. Even though I am reading ebooks these days I can't bear the thought of parting with all of my treasured old friends.

Oooo that's so so nice! I would not part with them either. My books my babies lol