The sound of a giant

in OCD4 years ago

After a long walk in the forest I thought about trees. These massive pillars of cellulose slowly growing for decades in a row. They are silently giving us the air we breathe while we take little time to think about them.

When the weather is good and wind is absent it is awfully silent in the woods. You can hear the birds communicating, the lizards rushing through the leaves and the eagles spreading their wings, shouting. If it's only you, you start to become aware of the noise of your presence. Your footsteps, your breathing, your clothes. You are a walking sound in the midst of a quiescent forest. As you walk more and more, it becomes even more silent. Far from anything else, the core of the forest is a peaceful oasis. There is no one else, but you and nature. A tiny ant looks tiny, but how tiny are you in comparison with everything else around you?


The wind picks up and the giants seem to be awake. The sound of clashing leaves, a symphony of marching spirits ready to chase the chilly clouds. It looks like the forest is getting you in a tight circle, making you aware of something that was invisible before. The trees. In the absence of the wind, the trees just sit still. They are there. Sleeping. When the cold air touches their leaves, they expand. Suddenly you become aware of their enormity. The leaves sound like marching soldiers, like an embrace of the nature around your existence. You wonder how come you haven't noticed how tiny you are before? The stormy clouds approach and there is you. Embraced by this sound of utter power. By this energy of the almighty nature.

I wonder how many of us sit with a dormant giant within us. With a tree of emotions which has grown inches every year. Silently. The giant is suddenly awake when he get hurt, when we encounter those kind of people who are like the chilly wind, bringing the stormy clouds. We feel so small yet this giant rises and we have no idea where does it all come from. The roots are deep and we can't kick out this tenant from our heart. This tree is here to grow with us. The silence is gone. The music of its leaves plays the tune of our pain, of our love, of our fears. The song is there, blown by the wind. And then, when you embrace it all, it's again oh so very quiet...

This is my latest article from my personal blog.

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This truth is indeed beautifully written Lady Mary.
One even hesitates to add anything to it!
A great post indeed!

Thank you very much, I appreciate that you've made the time to read it!

You wonder how come you haven't noticed how tiny you are before?

This is something that I HAVE thought about, but maybe it's our artistic side that helps us dissect the subtle realities in which we live. Trees spend a lot of time in one place, seemingly unaware of their influence. If one takes the time, as you colorfully explained, then one can hear them communicate with us. I think it would be a good thing for everyone to spend some alone time in the real forest and the one we call life. Beautifully written.


I think you're right, us artists do have this thing of looking at reality under the microscope. I find it relaxing as I never find the exact answers to many of my questions.

Silence is golden. A walk in the forest would be like medicine for many people. I think that people appreciating silence is rare now, as everybody tries to always have noise around. A tv, a phone, a conversation. Anything but time with themselves alone. I see this as a cause for many of people's existential sadness. Insufficient introspection time

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