Using the blockchain to protect your works.

in OCD3 years ago

So, you've created some original content and it's awesome and think someone might steal it and use it as their own. That still might happen, but thanks to blockchain tech, you can prove that you had it first.

The bottom line...your awesome creation may get sniped, but if you've placed it on chain, you can prove that you had it first.

Sometimes blockchain technology is too nerdy to use. It requires operating in the terminal, in text-only command line, and interacting with smart contracts and the chain. This is tricky. But, this is not always the case.

Sometimes there are "front ends", or web interfaces, that make this simple. You've likely used these:, PeakD,, and all the other Hive-based platforms. Though they look different and have difference niches, they all interact with the Hive blockchain.

Other blockchains do the same. On Feb. 4, 2018 I wrote about Florincoin. FLO is old for chains,having been around since 2013.

Since then, I've used FLO a few times to log things on chain. is to "notorize" documents, effectively to timestamp them. is also to timestamp things and keeps a running list of your documents. It's also actually used as the official land deed registry for Teton county in Wyoming (article). I have no doubt that all such documents will be kept in this way one day.

One limitation of Permanent Record might be that it is limited to text only, 1040 characters, stored on-chain. As a spin-off of bitcoin, this is an improvement. But, you can't place non-text on chain.

My example: "Genesis Block Translation"

Here's a case study. I made the gif below yesterday.

If I wanted to "log" it on chain, I could go to Permanent Record and simply write something describing it and that I made it. I might put it on the IPFS then place the IPFS hash on Permanent Record and say, "I made this!". This would certainly work.

But wait! I can prove existence and timestamp with Hive!

To do this...I upload my file. I'm using PeakD, but any Hive front end will work...

Verify that it's there...

At this point, my gif exists on a Hive server somewhere. This is really no different than uploading an image to your favorite cloud storage. So, where's the benefit?

Things like PeakD and show our posts in "pretty view" but, we can see "under the hood" or on the blockchain. is the awesome block explorer that shows everything. Replace my username with yours after the @ symbol to see your on chain activities:

Above are the on chain details, and a timestamp.

The details show the timestamp. Although it only says "13 minutes" ago, eventually a date and year will appear.

Once you've put your work on Hive, if anyone takes your work and claims it as their own, you can show them this and say, "Nope, ain't happening!"

And by the way...

How did I know exactly when I'd posted that FLO article from years back? I looked on chain!...

Whoop! There it is!

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