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RE: Tammie.brown-Instagram influencer and now Hive and more about me and my mission

in OCD3 years ago

Welcome to Hive, Tammie! Sorry about FB and YT removing your content (I know the feeling). So glad you found your way here. I'll just share @ryzeonline's Complete Beginners Guide To Hive with you. It will help answer questions you might have about Hive (and it's got cute fun doodles too lol). Here's a few other posts that may help you with posting content... Content Length , Quality Content , & Headlines & Thumbnails.

My son is going to lose his shit LOL. We're HUGE Drag Race fans. So glad to have you here! I hope to see you do really well here.

If you have any questions, I'm happy to help. ❤️

Much love,