One simple question

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

One simple question

by @d-pend

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Hey everyone, I trust this blog finds you well! Recently I decided to get back into making video content and thought it might provide some nice contrast to the poetry and creative writing content I am mostly posting these days. I've been playing piano again — since I hurt my right wrist pretty badly back in March I've been hesitant to play too intensely as I was still getting fatigued on the pinky side of the hand when playing. It seems to be basically back to normal now, for which I am quite grateful. The background music is some improvised jazz.

I wanted to explore — albeit in a nonsystematic way — the question of why we tend to avoid change, getting out of our comfort zones, trying something new, etc. even when we stand to derive much benefit from it. Change isn't comfortable and the animal part of us would just frankly rather not. "A mile of a thousand journeys" and all that. The best time to plant a tree... 20 years ago. The second best time? Now. What do we really have to lose?

Wishing you all the best and hope to hear from you — feel free to weigh in on this topic in the comments below or over on YouTube.

Take care,


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original content by @d-pend
created for HIVE on Oct. 3, 2020.

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I've been listening to the audiobook As a Man Thinketh by James Allen lately. It talks about some of the things you mention in your video about thought patterns (both good and bad) focus, etc.

I also saw Will Smith understand the fear of anticipating an event vs actually going through that event. Say Skydiving for example. A lot of folks are terrified at the idea of jumping out of a plane, will the parachute go off? will I crap my pants? even when they're on the plane you feel unsure, scared.... up until the moment when you actually jump. And then you realize that wasn't that bad at all.

So don't let fear hold you back.

thanks for this. :)

what was your storage issue?

Today the system rewards those who do basically the same thing with very few changes. This fits into an algorithm that is expected of them. Everybody gets this to some agree and people in the public eye to more extent.

Human beings are meant to change and grow and try new things and fail. I'm grateful we have the opportunity to try. Although we may not be popular we are who we are made to be and this is true success.