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RE: Ulterior Motive & Juicy Details

in OCD3 years ago

Cut Chemist. That really happened.

But if I'm gonna include a kissy-face picture, you gotta admit I put it in the optimum slot. I mean could you imagine seeing that shit right outta the gate?!

We don't do holidays either. We celebrate Valensgivingeve'strick Day all year round.

Take as much time as you need, I'm really glad you keep an eye on me. I'm not usually this delayed on my responses but that last one I put out is overwhelming as shit! I see comments like 'I can't adequately respond to this.....' I ever tell you I'm a mess?

You'd be surprised how many people don't know. I wear shorts all the time, like ALL the time. Of course not now, it's freezing. But everyone who's seen me in pants has seen me much more in shorts and, for whatever reason, a straight black fiber carbon medical attachment opposite my regular ass white fleshed leg eludes'em.


The Luckiest Guy I Know