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RE: Tribute Type'0 Mood

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

I edited this. I should've mentioned something like "I probably said too much."

Good morning Sweed. Got you some more viewing material awaiting your genuine eyeballs. Take your time.

Foghat. Do I know Foghat?? C'mon man. I'm quoting Kid Rock so don't think I'm just an F-bomb dropping fool these days. Never mind, forget I said that. Kid Rock has a line in one of his songs that goes "I'd rather fuck to Foghat!"

I don't get it either man, I kinda had to stop asking myself why I can't get any whale autovotes. Sometimes I wonder what those whales would think if I left the platform and didn't come back and then I realize, if they gave a fraction of a shit, they'd support me currently.

So I just accept it for what it is. Flattered and humbled sometimes, confused and disappointed the others. When I post an article, like the one last night, I'm proud of the finish product. I also know for a fact if many other people would've released my content for me only with their handle instead, my content value would be on a different scale compared to Mornal.

Not sure what I did to get under their skin.

But I am sure about people like you, Plants, your wife, and a bunch more, there's a lot of you who genuinely appreciate what I have to say and it means the world to me and, because if that, the whale autovotes or lack thereof don't compare in value to the genuine interest my virtual friends show with my content.

Much love from us to you, @thebigsweed. Enjoy that Flo Rida sun.


It's all a mystery. Without mentioning any names, some people post several blogs a day and walk away with a pocket full of upvotes, when the content is, lets say standard shit.
Most times it comes down to who you know, not what you know.
It's funny how things go with blogging. A post worth 10 bucks puts 5 bucks in your wallet, but those 5 bucks seem to carry more weight than a twenty dollar bill sitting in your pocket.

I edited in this whole paragraph. I'm not streeeeeetching the truth when I say I edit these things to death. All that boo hoo hoo'in you had to consume, I just looked at my wallet balance and HOL-E-SHIT! Dude I'm The Luckiest Guy I Know!!

Anyone ever told you you speak poetically?? In case you have no idea what I'm taking about, just read this. It's what you said. comes down to who you know, not what you know.

..but those 5 bucks seem to carry more weight than a twenty dollar bill sitting in your pocket.

Talking about poetry, when Robin and I were dating and still in H.S. I wrote her a poem. She turned it into the school newspaper, the Spartan and it was published.
Being that we went to different schools, her submitting it was no problem. Now, if it would have ended up in our high school paper, the Lancer, that would have been a different story, I had an image to keep up and writing poetry was not what a jock would do.
Recently we were going through some old stuff from back in the day when we were dating and I can't believe how many poems Im wrote to her. Things like, Roses are red and violets are blue kind of stuff, not Edgar Allan Poe stuff, but right from the heart.

Firstly, I put this on everything, I wish I would've been a cheerleader!! Dude I made fun of those guys!!!!

Joke's on me

Where's the poem? You can't tell me that story and the whole cross-school thing and have me eating out fo your hand just to leave me High..... and dry.

Where's the poem?