YouTube Journey DAY 18: Arts & Crafts ICE PAINTING with Levi

in OCD4 years ago

Levi paints on ice with his favorite colors.

YouTube Journey DAY 18

We've taken a few days break since last Friday from making videos and today is our first day resuming. This was due to water cuts in the area we live and I needed to spend time on getting water elsewhere and didn't have the time to record and edit videos.

So we're back now and hopefully it won't be too difficult to restart our routine of making content everyday. Our goal is to reach our first 100 videos in 100 days but I guess it'll take 103 days now :D

Do remember to share, like and subscribe as it makes a huge difference and helps us leaps and bounds.

Thanks so much for all the support and wishing you a great September 2020.

Daniel & Family