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RE: Even in your own home

in OCD3 years ago

Haha between 8 and 12, between 12 and 6. Man... I remember having to deal with that crap when I was in the States. Japan has ruined me. Here every service I've ever dealt with tells you down to the half hour when they will arrive. Service is taken really seriously here. (On the flip side, if the employees are even slightly late, they get hell from their bosses and may have to deal with it for awhile. So there is a lot of workplace stress on the flip side of the excellent customer service)


It used to be much better here. Trains and buses on time to the minute - not unlike Japan, though not quite as tight. Japan is fantastic when it comes to organization of people and I think it is culturally strengthened. The Shibuya crossing at rush-hour is a good example - that is crazy and no one bumps into anyone :D