"Soto Iga Sapi", Usually Served with Satay in My Province

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Actually this is more about the way I enjoy Satay in my city. Yes, that's right, Soto Iga Sapi is one of the dishes served with satay, added with peanut sauce and white rice.

Sebenarnya ini lebih kepada cara aku menikmati Satay di kotaku, Ya benar sekali, Soto Iga Sapi adalah salah satu sajian yang disajikan bersama satay, ditambahkan bumbu kacang dan nasi putih.


This is how I enjoy this typical Indonesian culinary, I choose Satay which is ready to be grilled and then finely chopped and given special peanut sauce.

Ini adalah cara aku menikmati kuliner khas Indonesia yang satu ini, aku memilih Satay yang siap dipanggang lalu dicincang halus dan diberikan bumbu kacang yang istimewa.


I knew how to eat Satay like this when I was studying in Bireuen district, Aceh-Indonesia when I was young. At that time, the average student there used satay as their lunch. The price was quite cheap for students at that time, one portion was only IDR. 7000, -. Maybe currently the portion provided is for IDR 15,000

Aku mengenal cara makan Satay seperti ini diwaktu masih kuliah di kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh-Indonesia waktu muda dulu. Saat itu rata-rata mahasiswa disana menjadikan satay sebagai makan siang mereka. Harganya tergolong lumayan murah untuk pelajar waktu itu, satu porsinya hanya IDR. 7000,-. Mungkin saat ini porsi yang disediakan itu seharga IDR 15.000


The satays that have been cooked in customers are then sliced and mixed with peanut sauce, besides the seasoning is more integrated. Of course, the price was cheaper for those of us who were still in college at that time.

Satays yang telah matang di pemangganan lalu diiris dan dicampurkan dengan bumbu kacang, selain bumbunya lebih menyatu. Tentu saja harga yang lebih hemat bagi kami yang masih di bangku kuliah saat itu.


Meanwhile, Soto Iga Sapi is a complimentary dish for those of us who can only afford 3 sticks of satay, if our satay runs out of course our alternative side dish is still Soto Iga Sapi.

Sedangkan Soto Iga Sapi ini adalah sajian pelengkap bagi kami yang hanya mampu beli sate 3 tusuk saja, jika satay kami habis tentu saja alternatif lauk kami masih ada Soto Iga Sapi.


So, this habit eventually became one of the ways I enjoyed the satay culinary in my city. I chose chopped satay and topped with peanut sauce. The taste is of course different, more pervasive in the peanut sauce. And one more thing, while reminiscing when I was in college. If you go to Indonesia, you can try it and you will definitely like it.

Nah, kebiasaan inilah akhirnya menjadi salah satu cara saya menikmati kuliner sate di kota saya. Saya memilih satay yang dicincang dan diberikan bumbu kacang diatasnya. Rasanya tentu saja berbeda, lebih meresap bumbu kacangnya. Dan satu lagi, sembari bernostalgia semasa kuliah dulu. Jika anda ke Indonesia, anda bisa mencobanya dan pasti akan menyukainya.

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