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RE: Ten Interesting Facts About Me

in OCD • 4 years ago (edited)

I knew it! Haha, The first time I read your one of travel post, I thought to myself that you must be an INTP. 😊 It was just a hunch. Interesting to read these facts about you.

 4 years ago  

What part of my travel blog made me as INTP? I hide it so well you know. 😂

I think that's a whole discussion best reserved over drinks when we meet here. Lol Pero promise, I don't know why and how, just did.

Hey there Arni! I also have a hunch about your MBTI. Are you an INFJ? Hahaha

Hehe you are very close, I fell under INFP but leaning towards and borderline INFJ 😊