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RE: Ending 2020 with Bang: Dreams Do Come True!

in OCD3 years ago

Omg, I'm quite teary-eyed and smiling while reading this. As I mentioned to you, it was as if we've known each other for a long time. Your visit felt more like a long time friend or family visiting. All of our endless conversations over wine and food after your diving sessions. It was nice to listen to your views and thoughts off the screen even though I talked so much 😂 sorry if I got carried away sometimes. Your visit along with the catch-up with @scubahead and @millycf1976 made our last few days and the end of our 2020 happy and fun. I look forward to your next posts about the dive and your flight with @iamyohann. Happy 2021!!!!

 3 years ago  

It was nice to listen to your views and thoughts off the screen even though I talked so much 😂 sorry if I got carried away sometimes.

Same! We can just talk about anything for hours without doing anything. No regrets tho. It was always fun and insightful.

I look forward to your next posts about the dive and your flight with @iamyohann.

I'll be busy for this in a few days. 😂

Happy New Year! Say Hi to Anais for me.

She says hello back 😀