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RE: How to grow your own avocado plant from seeds

in OCD2 years ago

Love your avocado plants. I might try to grow it in spring as it is still cold here. May I ask how you take care of it now? Like how many time you change water per week and does it like sunny window?


Nice! The weather here in the Netherlands isn't much better :P (well, right now it is quite hot, but when I started it was pretty cold). From what I read, is that Avocado plants like "a lot of indirect Sunlight", I once placed one in direct Sunlight, and the leaves started to brown, which meant it was in direct Sunlight for too long.

Right now, I just have the plant as it is shown in the first image (in a big bottle of water, that I refresh every now and then, and re-fill it so the root canal is getting enough water, as long as it doesn't hit the seed itself). You can keep it on water, but you can also decide to pot it with some earth (I have no experience with that, so I don't know (but maybe @trucklife-family knows)).

oh that's good to know. I don't have a garden so growing it like the way you do is perfect. Btw love the bottle you use, I will try to find a similar one as it looks so cool.

Oh yeah, same here! No garden unfortunate, so this plant is -easy- to maintain. We bought this vase/bottle @ the Action in the Netherlands (not sure if they have it where you are located), which was pretttttyy cheap :D.