My AlphabetHunt challenge for the letter D

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

This is in response to the #alphabetHunt challenge originated by @barbara-orenya and her #feelgood community. I saw a few entries for it and it looked like fun. The challenge was to illustrate 6 words (or concepts) starting with the letter of the week. The letter for this week is D. So here's my entry...

So the first image I found was of this dock.


I took this picture a few years back. It had been cloudy all day. The weather cleared up just in time to catch the sunset. I've driven past this dock several times. Honestly I hope to live in this area one day.

The second image is my favorite.


I drove past this truck on my way home from work. I pulled up and asked the owner if I could take a picture. His name was Pat. I pulled over just before he moved the truck.

The third picture is of one of the most popular D's in New England...


In it you'll see the famous Mr. Potatoe Head. Years ago I did a post where I searched out all the remaining Mr. Potato Heads in RI. It was a mission in itself. Many of them were Damaged or sold. That was a fun story.

My fourth image


These are few of my happy customers.

My fifth image is of a family of deer I encountered while delivering.


My six image was taken in Springfield, MA at the Dr. Seus exhibit.


Thank you for for sharing with me. I think this challenge is a good idea creater. I look forward to seeing future #AlphabetHunt post.

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Cool, you you let yourself be persuaded and took part in the #AlphabetHunt Challenge of @barbara-orenya 🙂

You have found some quite original D objects and made a very nice post.
There was only one image that has confused me a bit: I was searching for the letter D in the truck photo ... and I have found it - "Diamond Reo" is the brand of the truck ( and it's a real oldtimer 👴

Thanks for joining the challenge - it's fun as I said, isn't it?
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend 😁

Cheers and !BEER

That's great. I just noticed what you were pointing out. At first I was it's a Dump Truck
Thank you for adding that value to this post. I honestly didn't notice that. Very awesome.

This is why I love to get comments on my photos, because other people sometimes see things in my own photos which I don't see.
Since I didn't realize that it is a Dump Truck I had to zoom in and then make a quick research ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah your comment made my night lol. I took the picture, I'm blessed that the phone I have was able to catch that detail. So cool.

Cool 😉
Smartphones are getting better and better, but I woudln't have thought that photo was taken with a phone ;)
I can remember when I got my first phone which could take photos. I still have these photos and copy them always to my new phones, but the difference is like riding a bicycle to flying with a rocket ;) lol

Cheers and !BEER

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Hey @dreamingirwin, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Welcome to the hunt @dreamingirwin ! ^_^
At first I wondered the same thing like @johannpiber about the truck and the D...😁 browsing your comments with Johann I saw you meant Dump truck ...that is a word I do not know, I'm french and love to learn some words more with this alphabet hunt 😊

and I'm sure I'm not the only one to appreciate that, so I suggest you title each picture with the concerned word next time... I think it will be more enjoyable that way 😉

He has even got two D's with that one photo: Dump and Diamond ... even two quite opposite things 😉

Thanks for the suggestion. Never even occurred to me that I was taking for granted that terminology.

No problemo, like you wrote, that's nice to have the people comment that have a new look to the picture and noticed things 😉

and love to learn some words more with this alphabet hunt

same is my goal (projected onto my babe, tho. oh, Barbara, and I forgot to tell you -- your guess about the father was absolute neat and accurate shot).


Haha @qwerrie ! I knew instantely who she was but didn't dare to say it, just in case I was wrong...LoL...but little by little I had more clues, and in my last post she wrote "my darts are better" and dang ! I knew* she is the daughter of her father* as we say in french 😂

well, same white cat... same portraits on the pictures... there are clues more than enough. I am not used to hiding personality here (maybe its very stupid from me. idk) lets not make a big PR to it. 8-)

your daughter 's pic -- I didnt comment there -- but I enjoyed watching it very, very much. a very cool production!

I see that you have done a good job with this letter D
By the way, you can’t immediately say that the photos were taken on the phone, good enough quality
Have a nice day!


Thank you. Yeah I'm blessed, my phone was a Christmas gift.. Thanks for sharing with me

hey, you've got an intresting D-hunt!! and -- you've got donuts, same as me (tho my location is pretty far from New England).

one of the most popular D's in New England...

so sweet!

thank you for joining the fun, its a pleasure to look what others came up with, some creative rivalry is a good thing, isnt it?..

Yeah it's fun. I love challenges because they connect people you would have never encountered otherwise. I'm lucky to work in the town that I work. Also I'm glad I joined this challenge. I was feeling dishearted, doubting my ability to rebuild. Sometimes all we need a the smaller crumb of reaffirmation. Thank you.

' all we need is a smaller crumb of reaffirmation sometimes' -- well said. could not but agree with you.
sometimes just somebody's smile in a crowd, from a stranger.

I’m glad you decided to join. Excellent selections!

I laughed at Mr. Potato Head outside Dunking Donuts. I have a Mr. Potato Head doll here. I guess it’s not really a doll - all the parts will come off. I did a post on it once.

I like the dump truck. It looks like it’s quite old.

Nice to see deer in the yard and great shot under the moose head.


I saw this picture browsing through my pictures hear it and I thought of your comment. It's one of my favorite mr. Potato head statues.

That’s a fabulous statue of Mr. Potato Head.
Here’s a photo of the one I have here. Actually it belongs to Hubby. He’s had it for years.

Have a great evening! 😊

It did not know much about mr. Potato Head until I created a post tracking the mr. Potato Head statues. I had no idea it was from Rhode Island originally.

Of course I had one as a kid. But obviously I didn't look into the history back then.

There is an interesting story behind the mr. Potato Head statue. I wouldn't have known it if I hadn't Donna post that included it. It's kind of bittersweet. Many of those statues were damaged come on I found that very few of them were still around. Originally they were part of a welcome to Rhode island state promotion. There was a map that stated where they were. And people were invited to follow the map and visit each one. Considering that they caused somewhere near $1,000 a piece I would have assumed it would have been better taken care of but. it is still possible to do a mr. Potato Head hunt in Rhode island. But many of them were moved.

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