i'm glad to have connected with you!
sometimes, we get a little isolated here. and it feels like lately - some very key things are happening at the same time, supporting the true growth of Hive, and I really feel like it's a good time to be here. you know?
i have such plans for this coming year (my year goes from birthday to birthday hehe) so - 11 months and 1 week from now, I hope to have made those dreems true! hehehe
what about you? what are you goals for this coming year?
Well, I support a few people out there, communities and concepts so maybe we can collaborate on something at some stage? Who knows how the wind will blow.
Well, my last day at work is the 8th. A job of over four years in an industry I've worked in for 20 so...Plans are to float about for a bit, find some central point to kick off from, a reset, and then I'll see what comes up.
I want to be doing something that allows me more room to live, to engage with life, so I'm not sure what will happen. Time will reveal all.
Happy belated 21st also!
(disclaimer: hahaha had to come back up here and say sorry.. this is a long comment. I was thinking hmmmm maybe i shouldn't leave this right now. but - then i thought - why not? Maybe it plants a seed in your head - we have to put things out in the world, and just see what happens)
Thank you Thank you! 21 years flew by! hehehehe
I'm 45 really though - hehehe and unlike most women - I love every single second of those years and love to proclaim them too. In some of my videos you see my cool grey streak (i feel like Rogue from X-Men) and I sometimes will put a little temporary color in my hair - but nothing that takes away from that amazing silver streak hahahaha
and actually. if you want to take a peak? We started something already here - and its in testing mode.
I'm not asking you to support it! hehehe but you might find some people that need the help, and you can feel free to point them in our direction.
I'll drop a link here - but please don't feel the need to go rushing to watch it LOL!!! Just take a gander if you have the time this week maybe! or maybe AFTER you retire - CONGRATULATIONS ON THAT ACHIEVEMENT!!!!!!
Our testers test everyday - but in order to shine the light on communities here - we partner up with them and link arms for a month!
last month we did a DreemPort challenge with actifit, wednesdaywalk, and makemesmile.
This month will be for dailythoughtfulpost
i'm specifically not tagging those people - so that they don't feel obligated to come here! hehehe though I DO know that they enjoyed the challenge a lot!!!
The concept is - we have an autonomous site - where people "drop" their links to be read objectively.
the posts can come from any site, any frontend, any platform.
in order to drop their links - they must first curate 5 randomly selected/assigned posts where they will rank from 1st to last place.
since there are a bunch of people doing this - you get a nice TRUE distribution of - as they can't follow friends or do upvote/downvote clans.
there is something else that we do to truly battle spam ... but i'll let the video show you :)
you can feel free to look at the hive account @dreemport for videos and posts about it - it's all my heart, on display for all to see hehehe
but here is maybe one that you can start with.
(or youtube version if you need it)
and I realize that I'm just dropping all this info here 🤣- but after talking with you tonight - I just feel like you might have newbies (or oldbies!!!)
that you can steer in our direction.
oh - one very important thing.
we do NOT bring people to DreemPort to read.
they get the URLs from us - and then go BACK to the communities that the writers wrote from. (hive, read.cash, medium, etc)
This is VERY important to us - as we don't want to pull people away from the connections they've formed and built over lots of time! We would rather direct people to THEIR HOME. so they can CONTINUE building WITH our help (hopefully)
here - maybe you would rather just read it??
but the video is pretty cool hehehe
I would sincerely LOVE your feedback on the project when you are home for a bit after retiring! hehehehe
congrats once again on that!!! I have several friends that are getting VERY close to that time - and the countdown has them going INSANE hehehehe
Thanks for putting this together, I'll take a look for sure as it sounds pretty interesting and anything that promotes Hive positively is a good thing. I don't know those others, or care to be honest as I'm not a social media guy. I'll get back at you.
Also, just so you know I'm not retiring, just taking a moment to pause, take a breath and see what comes out of it. If I could cease to work altogether I would though as I have a gazillion things I'd rather be doing.
oh my gosh i hear you.
Every person that has retired has said they feel like they just started living.
but how wonderful for you to be able to take a pause!!!! What a great company you work for that will allow something like this respite.
Take lots of breaths during that pause. reflect and consider new things that you never had time to consider before! Imagine NEW and "outside the box" paths for you to take - even if it just stays in your imagination.... GO THERE!!!
I hope it leads you to some amazing drEEms that you never realized were RIGHT there for you! hehehehhe
The company didn't allow it, I resigned.
just when i thought i couldn't like you more lol
i had a job like that...
for me - it was an incredible boost to my wallet, but at the expense of my health. so much stress. unbelievable stress.
I wish I could go back 5 years with the knowledge I have now and make different choices hehehe
I'm really hoping that this will be a super special season for you!
It's been a big decision to be honest, but not one made around money, just my life (me). From the moment I handed in my four week notice of resignation I felt better; it was quite amazing. I'm happy and looking forward to see how things shake out.
Some stress is good but being in that situation, at executive level, nope...Not tenable. The 8th September can't come soon enough. 😊
I think you get it quite clearly considering the above.