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RE: The differences between men and women!

in OCD4 years ago

Haha! That is ingenious, of course. I used the wheelbarrow to take my three before I got a wagon. Of course, it was in the country at the time, so it was only up and down the 1/4 mile driveway, but, they were delighted. Then I got a wagon and life was grand. All three were little stairsteps, so I needed something!

Thanks for sharing your man/woman wisdom with me! :)

Upped and Reposted

!tip .20


Just a lighthearted look at life Lady Denise.
Not really the truth as there are so many exceptions in life, but I was hoping that others like you would see the fun in the comparison.
Besides, I think that I have much man wisdom, but when it comes to women, all that I can say is "Oy Vay" (Dangerous territory):)

Blessings and thank you for the kind tip!

Haha! Good for you! That makes you ahead of the game!


Just essential to treat you beauties with kit gloves 😀
