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RE: Even in your own home

in OCD3 years ago

You have got to be kidding me?! Ikea left the cabinets on the porch? IN the rain? I can tell you, I would have been on the phone to Ikea here and they would have sent me new cabinets. Period. There wouldn't have been a question.

Does that sound too bitchy?

I paid for a service. They did not provide it or a refund. What is wrong with the way they are doing business. They would be out of business here. The things that you are giving examples of are heinous. Not that they are unlivable, but, they are not fair. Just like SmallSteps and school. Snotty noses stay home. Boom. End of subject. Then we can nip that in the bud, otherwise, it will keep circling the globe.

I hope things improve.

As an aside, I love, love, love that shot!! I hope you framed it!