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RE: My VERY last comment about Hive (probably)...A rant...No, I'm not leaving.

in OCD4 years ago

Confirmed, that was me.

Personally, I think we should expect people to be people. If 60% of the world lives paycheck to paycheck, I think that's what we should continue to expect. Hive can still build value even if 60% of the worker bees are selling everything. That's how corporations do it, right? They pay employees a wage that is less than the value they generate. Sorted.

Long live wage slavery!

New boss, same as the old boss.

There's way too much focus on blogging IMO. We only have one "proof-of-brain" activity so a lot of people wrongly assume that will be the case forever. Hopefully more will see the value of this place when more meaningful work is being done and the wages are rightfully higher and more competitive. Hard to offer a competitive wage on content being offered for free. I'm still surprised people make as much as they do here.

Here's the example I like to give:

Imagine a puzzle game starts gaining some popularity. Players who like the puzzle game want more puzzles. They want more quantity and they want more quality. Normally in this situation the company that created the puzzle game now needs to hire people to create said puzzles because they need to retain ownership and keep everything closed source. With Hive, ownership can be delegated to the puzzle-makers themselves. Puzzles can be owned by the person that created them, and they can get paid, not by the time worked, but by the actual quality and demand of their work, just like an actual business. The return of work ethic is coming.


I'll use this comment as a basis for another blog - as it addresses much, and touch's on the other the things I was gonna rant about, but couldn't be bothered to, right now...