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RE: Looking for Good Authors with Low Reputations that get Bad Rewards

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

and comments you get a lot, wow :)

Guess HIVE is just to new for many new users to find it. Number of new accounts created every day is in the 100, but I guess mostly alt-accounts. The amount of content is definitely less than at Steemit. I see that every single day when curating music (curie and s-squared). Oww, BTW, I think it is a good decision you made to start using a more generic MUSIC community. My curation is still with the music tags I like, but maybe community posts are not published with these tags anymore. Reason I'm not going through the music communities for curation is that so many communities are out there with almost no action, posts and users. I tried at the start of communities to try and get music into one or just a few communities, but all those I talked with wanted to go ahead with what they setup. Anyways, good you're joining forces.

Something good that I see happening for musicians, some of the cool ones are finding communities like GEMS and get regularly big votes there. Not a music community, but at least they get the appreciation.


and comments you get a lot, wow :)

It's not usually this crazy, I have spent all morning looking at these potentials and have picked a few out. I will recommend @steevc also adds them to @tenkminnows so they have on-going support.

..and that's really it, 'on-going support'. I follow around 230 people, any more and it gets unmanageable. I don't want to miss content and even then I can't possibly read all of them.

Oww, BTW, I think it is a good decision you made to start using a more generic MUSIC community.

Yes, I'm not one of these steadfast people who won't concede. If mine doesn't work, then join a bigger on that does.

Something good that I see happening for musicians, some of the cool ones are finding communities like GEMS and get regularly big votes there. Not a music community, but at least they get the appreciation.

It's better than bid-bots! I'm all for GEMS and what it stands for.