Adventures of house hunting in Bangalore!✨

in OCD2 years ago

Holaaa hivers🌸 Guess who moved to a different city with @shamab25 ?I still remember us just discussing over dinner about how we need a break from the city we live in and move out. Fast forward a few months and here we are! 😂


We were super thrilled about moving and hence super excited for the hunt. However, as a wise man once said “Life is tough” 🥹 we struggled! From meeting the most annoying brokers to getting my car stuck in the middle of nowhere, this experience was quite a roller coaster.


First things first, meet our Broker Mr Sunil. I drew a very accurate picture of him - thanks to my spectacular drawing skills. I don’t mean to sound rude, I swear, but Sunil is what you call a human form of a headache. He is definitely good at his job but he talks so so much that by the end of the day, you need to drag yourself to your bed because you’re just so tired after all that listening. Also, the man would walk so fast that by the time we reached each property, Shama and I were gasping for air rather than looking at the house.


So, we ditched our dear Mr Sunil and took matters into our own hands 😤 We legit walked / drove to every street in the vicinity in search of a decent flat. Every single flat would have one issue or the other - be it nosy landlords / dingy rooms / trippy washrooms (yeah, for some damn reason, people here have the weirdest colours chosen for bathroom walls) - we saw it all. We went to all kinds of places (sometimes even between mini forests. I’d get a hundred things stuck in my hair by the end of the day) No, I’m not lying and here’s proof:


Then we’d come back home, freshen up, fix some dinner for ourselves and repeat the cycle the next day! (Shama’s onion cutting skills for dinner, deserve a special mention)


We also came across some incredible signboards with incredible spellings. My vocab has most certainly gotten enriched by now, with all this elite knowledge.



Some properties were very pretty but soooo out of budget that it ALMOST made me reply to my Instagram DMs offering questionable side hustle proposals lol.



We did this for over a month until we found a cute apartment on a website. It ticked most of our boxes and there you go! We found our home. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve moved in and we’re absolutely loving it. Though the process was cumbersome, I’m glad that Shama and I did not settle for half broken rainbow washrooms or Sunil’s constant pestering.


This house hunting journey, though draining, will always be cherished and so will the person who I got to do this with (@shamab25 yeah I can be nice sometimes)


Hoping that we have the time of our lives here and that life offers the best it can in the days to come. We’ve dealt with the most absurd things these few weeks but managed to come back home with nothing but good vibes and peace. I’m sure my roomie and I are ready for the time ahead ♥️


Until next time, cheers 🫂🥂


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Broooo! This is too funny 😂 thanks for the virtual tour of our last few weeks.

😂😂😂😂😂 the pleasure's all mine!

Seems Like A Profitable Side Hustle 🤣🤣🤣 Aur Kithna Shakal Kala Karogi Tum Dono Besharamo 😭🤣

Arreyyy very profitable 😂😂😂 Tum bhi aao, Zara saath mein kaala Kare 🤗

Holy sh*t! It gives one a headache just to imagine what you've been through during house hunting, let alone deal with Mr. Talktoomuch! I don't envy you honestly as it must have been energy and time consuming, but at least you have a nice home now and can enjoy it. Hope to see you more often on Hive 😉

Oh yessssssss, true that! 🥂 Thank you for giving this post your time. Hope to stick around and see you toooo🤗♥️