in OCD3 years ago

My lovely, oldie and goldie Zenit 12 XP.

Hive there, hola a todos!

A few years ago I started to get interested in analog photography. In fact in a post I tell about it in a series where every friday I publish an analog photography of my authorship. YOU CAN SEE IT HERE

I found that it is a wonderful world almost completely obnubilated by the digital era, which fortunately, thanks to many curious people, is still alive and recovering followers day by day.

If you are one of those who like to experiment with techniques and play with the possibilities, here you will have a universe to immerse yourself and explore.

Fuente de imagen

Analog photography, also known as "roll photography" or "...film photography", among other names, has a physiochemical basis that dates back to the mid-nineteenth century.
Light is printed onto a reel of photosensitive material which is then exposed to chemicals in a darkroom resulting in what are known as "negatives".

Each roll or reel comes with a set sensitivity to which a certain amount of light will correspond for proper exposure. There are formulas for this, but I don't want to get technical, because I don't have the tools to transmit this knowledge properly.

If you read the link where I post one of my photos, you will have already read that what attracts me to this technique is the surprise factor, it awakens a nostalgia that makes me fall in love with it.

But parallel to the resurgence of this technique, experimental movements have appeared, using expired rolls, techniques of "sfilp soup" which consists of submerging the roll in various substances, can be perfumes, sodas, whatever you can think of! yes, the roll must have already been exposed and then let it dry before developing giving results of the most experimental and psychedelic.

Here are some photos that you can find in my F.A.P. series.
I haven't yet ventured into the more experimental world, but I'm looking forward to doing it at some point.





If you still don't know the community I invite you to join, photographers or not, feel free to check it out and see the wonderful works of the followers and members of the community! Appreciate this beautiful art and support us to help it grow and more and more people are encouraged to look in the basement for that dusty camera that can become one of your best allies!


Analog (FILM) Photog


Yes infact its so much fun you get to actually learn better using an analog camera, I used to work on my dads Yashica.

IKR?! Also, today there is a lot of information at your fingertips and the possibilities are endless. ✨

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