Hortense Annabelle. I think the most beautiful variety.

in OCD4 years ago

Hortense Annabelle. I think the most beautiful variety.
These bushes with bold flowers, which remind me so much of lilacs, are called hydrangea. And to be precise - annabelle.
These are not large bushes at all, but I cannot say that they are small, sometimes this bush grows 1.5 measures. And also in width it can grow up to 3 meters. You can imagine two bushes and already your fence will not be visible)
It seems to me that this is a good way out for those who do not like to plant flowers, but love when something is blooming around the house. These bushes bloom for about 5 years, but most often they bloom longer.
But this bush, like others, still needs care. They need to be cut at the end of flowering, then in the fall. It is better not to plant these bushes in the sun, they do not like direct rays. The best mesh is the shade.
Plant such bushes at home and your yard will bloom and smell.