Indoor flower anthurium. Anthurium, also called the flamingo flower.

in OCD4 years ago

Indoor flower anthurium.
Anthurium, also called the flamingo flower.
There are already 1000 such types of lights.
Yes, this is a lot, I myself could not imagine that it was so much.

At home, if you keep these flowers, then they love moisture and also feed with fertilizers.
And then you will have a beautiful bright flower standing at home.


I always loved the waxy petal of the anthurium. Its almost plastic like. As a boy anthurium always made me think of traveling to exotic locations and associated it with the airport because one time when i was like 4 i saw one st the ticket counter and its stuck with me ever since.

The red flower has that shine, as almost it's not real.

It seems )
He's in a pot of earth.