My Random Series: Lockdown Day 41

in OCD4 years ago

Monday... School day... Ya... Everything is online now... Teachers giving school work via apps and meeting online...

Little Vinnie is doing origami art and craft today... Given by her teacher... Ryenne joins in to play with her too...







The two sisters following the instructions given by Vinnie's teacher... Happily they made quite a number of the origami...

What happen to Halley? Well, she doesn't wanna do the origami with her younger sisters... She chooses to draw instead... More challenging I think...



This is not part of her schoolwork... Just one of the activity she loves to do...

I guess the girls have gotten used to staying at home...

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Thank you for your support. Here's a !shop as token of appreciation.

Yes, the kids seem to have gotten used to staying at home.

They kind of love it.

I guess it feels like a sort of vacation for them.

How are you holding up?

School is interesting here, everything is "optional" and I seem to get through the lessons super fast. An ABC Mouse subscription seems to have done the trick.

PS. How is CTP treating you? I read a little about it on my own - but didn't really understand the "what" would love your perspective.

Feel free to DM me on discord about it.

Long vacation for the kids... even though they have been going through online classes and doing schoolwork everyday...
For my two older girls, they will have to follow and do their schoolwork given by their teachers... it's being used to grade them...

I have PMed you in Discord about CTP.

My oldest is in middle school and I am very happy with the set up her school has given for her. I realize that all students won't thrive in that situation but for her it works well. She meets online with all her teachers for "office hours" if needed, she gets assignments, takes quizzes, turns in essays etc.

The other two are just playing. Which works well for me.

I will look for your message on discord once my kid gives me my phone back, she is "charging" it aka using it to play roblocks.

Ya... Luckily my husband have two extra devices and I have my office laptop with me... So three of them get to use one device each... I will be guiding them in the morning most of the time and then get to work in the afternoon...