Real friends will always be your true friends

in OCD2 years ago

It is quite said or known that not everyone that's actually smiles with you is truly or really happy with you with the fact that some come in disguise. In our world today not everyone is pleased with your satisfaction no matter how generous, nice, kind, obedient, humble that you are some will still find fault in you.

Nobody is perfect but pretending to like someone or move with them is bad because there will still be someone that will dislike you for no reason which is what we are facing in our world today.


Despite all that the most important thing about life is to just make yourself happy and people around you if propably, so as to derive joy no matter what. The best medicine one need all the time is to be happy and those that loves you will always do since you can't satisfy or please everyone.

The true fact is that your friends who see you as someone special will always say good things about you and would never stab you at the back no matter what because they know who truly they have as a true friend.

There's a saying that all fingers are not equal and also as humans we are not perfect regardless of who you maybe. However, true friends that are happy with you will never stab you at the back and they are who you can call your friends.

True Friends are like stars not just friends but "good and real friends" which you don't always see them around sometimes but you know they are always there. While bad friends will stab you at the back and still ask you why your bleeding such friends need to leave one's life since they are not helpful and also can be dangerous as well.


I have a set of friends that we always check on each other, call each other to know how everyone is fairing and these are through friends to help each other, ''one for all'' and "all for one''.


We all make friends and meet new people in one way or the other almost everyday in our lives. There are some people we call friends and these set of people are only after what they want to gain from you especially in financial aspect where they know they won't lack if they ask such, such people only collect they don't give back.

The question is these same friends can they stand by you in difficult times and situations and in which you know you may need their help in return someday, can they pay back in return for your good deeds you've done to them, that am not really sure about.

Real friends will always be true friends no matter what the situation maybe.


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Cool freewrite and a nice tribute to your friends :) My pleasure to feature this post in my latest upvote giveaway for better visibility. Keep up the good work.

Thanks @phortun I really appreciate the good words