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RE: The impatience and impotence of a generation

in OCD4 years ago

We are a privileged generation, and because of that were also a spoilt generation. Everyone seems to over bloat their efforts and thus their expectations on rewards. As common virtues die out, it will be impossible to maintain even a somewhat functional human society, except we wanna be robots.

The now vs tomorrow battle is one I am very familiar with. Given a chance to do it over and over, 95% of the times I will always pick tomorrow over instant gratifications.


and because of that were also a spoilt generation.

Entitlement issues on a mass scale. We are programmed already, robots made from flesh and blood.

95% of the times I will always pick tomorrow over instant gratifications.

I think if even half of us did half of this, the entire world would shift.

I think if even half of us did half of this, the entire world would shift

It takes a unique experience to drift from the norm these days, at least from my personal experience

Yes, which is part of the problem, as the norm is a position of supporting the status quo.