Fascinating Nature : Red Calladium [ Keladi Merah ]

in OCD4 years ago


The year 2020 can be said to be the year of taro, that's right, this flower is the primadonna of today's trending ornamental plants. It is almost certain that various types of taro are the target of ornamental plant collectors in Indonesia.

Tahun 2020 bisa dibilang tahunnya keladi, ya benar sekali, bunga yang satu ini menjadi primadona tanaman hias yang ngetrend saat ini. Hampir dapat dipastikan beragam jenis keladi menjadi incaran kolektor tanaman hias di Indonesia.

I have always been amazed by Caladium leaves. It has a wide leaf pattern and a beautiful variety of colors. Keladi or Caladium is certainly not a new type of plant in Indonesia, even since I was a child, I often heard the lyrics sung by 1990s in my province.

Ibarat air di daun keladi
Walaupun tergenang tetapi
Tak meninggalkan bekas
Pabila tersentuh
Dahannya bergoyang
Airpun tertumpah tercurah habis
Tak tinggal lagi

Yes, a piece of the above line was popularized by D'Lloyd, one of the 1980 bands in Indonesia. Like the verse above, Caladium leaves can hold the maximum amount of water falling on the leaves. Unique, if the water is spilled then everything will not be left behind

Caring for Caladium is not too difficult, especially since this plant is a type of wildflower that usually grows and thrives in swamps. The most important thing to do for maintenance is regular watering [morning and evening]. Clean the grass that grows around the plant, because it will invite pests [grasshoppers and bugs] to eat the leaves. And one more important thing, let him get enough sunlight, this will beautify the beautiful leaves :)

Below are some pictures of red taro flowers that I managed to photograph using a Canon A3200 IS camera. Hopefully, friends enjoy its beauty.





Hive Gift by @doze


Banyak kata kiasan tentang bunga, bagus bunganya dari warna dan seratnya, like your post.

Terima kasih @hsidik atas aresiasinya teman !