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RE: Hello Hivers! Just a climbing vegan gamer here saying Hello!

in OCD2 years ago

Hi @sizzlinkola, welcome to Hive and thanks for introducing yourself to the community. Looks like you like challenges and adventure. Rock climbing is no joke though, so I admire you for that :)

I see you're new on Hive, so let me drop you a few suggestions to help you navigate better on our platform.

We have different communities on Hive and we're encouraging users to post in the right community based on the topic of the post.

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse!

Happy blogging and let me know if you need help :)


Thanks for the welcome and the resources on communities!

If there doesn’t seem to be a right or best community for my post, then what would you recommend I do?

I assume I’ll have ideas to write about but not sure where would be to best place or audience.