My Beardful Portrait

in OCD4 years ago

About a month and some ago, I was experimenting on shades, shades that involved beards. I did a number of sketches but only shared a fragment with you guys. Today I'll be sharing with you one of those never published beard sketches.

I fell in love with the figure the moment I laid my eyes on it so without hesitating, I painted the depth. Making the sketch wasn't a problem but capturing it on the other hand, was a thug of war. I just couldn't keep the light from reflecting. I tried my best however and below is evidence of how well that is;


The Outline






This sketch was made with 6, 8 and 10B pencils.

It's really nice of you to stop by, I'll be expecting you tomorrow.


Fantastic drawing I like how the beard really forms the square in the bottom right.

Thanks, it took a while but I'm adjusting to your prescriptions.
Thanks once again.

your tiny dark drawings are so mesmerizing...

Thanks, I'm flattered.