Do not ever expect THANK YOU from the peoples

in OCD4 years ago


"Hurrying is satan" said the Murshid of the Tarekat Qadariyah wa Naqsabandiyah, H. Hasan Basri Ginting, reminded me of urging me to raise the level of shari'ah dhikr "Lailahaillallah."

I often use this phrase when my friends are impatient in everything. Especially when he was busy talking, his wife suddenly called him to go home. Suddenly I said, "Dude, hurrying is a devil."

That sentence, of course, contradicts the phrase popularized by former Vice President Jusuf Kalla "The sooner is better" to spur the working cabinet, whose term was adopted from the guided democracy under Soekarno.

Actually there is nothing that needs to be contradicted by the two expressions. It's just the application according to the situation and conditions. At certain times it's normal for us to say "Hurrying is the devil," but at other moments it's also natural to say "Hurry is better."

Unfortunately in this country, we often turn our expressions on the basis of hatred. If the leadership says, "Hurry is evil" we as the people argue with the phrase "Fast is better." On the other hand, if the leader calls it "the faster the better," we as the people do not want to be the same as the leader and force them to say, "Hurry is evil."

I understand about the people. No matter how much your help to the people, don't ever expect your thanks.

In history, during the reign of Louis XIV in France, who considered himself the representative of God on earth and was known to be authoritarian and punished his dissidents with a "big razor" which was dropped right on the neck of his neck. So that it is separated between the body and head.

A lawyer at that time freed a thousand dissidents who were ready to be punished with the "big razor". The services of the lawyers were so great, but out of a thousand people who were released only one was grateful. In fact, most of them even come back to slander it.

Such is the people! Again, don't be surprised. The problem now is that the people's "seumike" way is being followed by many leaders. We even leave "our heads on his table" as an offering is meaningless to them.

Now the choice is up to us; the mentality of the people or leaders. Do not mean to ignore the people, believe me, God overestimates anyone with a leadership mentality.

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia