It is forbidden to love someone's husband

in OCD4 years ago


Her name is Saminah, an elementary school teacher, with great force to sue for divorce from her husband, who is unemployed and naughty. Even though his marriage has been blessed with two children. Even the eldest girl is in junior high school and the son is already in elementary school.

"What can we do about it; "meh petemun cere, meh age mate", ”said Saminah when asked why she didn't keep her marriage.
After the divorce, Saminah had no intention of getting married again.

Her hatred for men has reached its peak. Whatever the style of the man will not catch his eye. Until one day, Saminah visited her childhood friend's house. It so happened that his friend's brother, Restu, had just experienced a family hurdle.

"If you don't want to fall in love, never look into his eyes because love is born from the eyes down to the heart," said the old wise man.

The meeting between Saminah and Restu was not planned. There is no serious dialogue between them. Maybe only Saminah looked too deeply into Restu's eyes. So that the first week of their relationship runs naturally, then the second week the seeds of love have started to grow, then the third week they start to become lovers who are drunk romance.

Forbidden love goes on for months. Restu's wife did not suspect that her husband was having an affair. This is because their relationship case has reached the religious court, based on Restu's divorce suit against his wife who was suspected of having an affair, but for the honor of their family and children, they agreed to reconcile.

As a consequence of that reconciliation, they agreed to start life from scratch by forgetting past mistakes. They agreed to walk the future of a sakinah mawaddah warahmah family. Even on their Facebook status, the two of them each post an intimate photo to show everyone that they are okay.
It turns out that the appearance of the husband and wife's intimacy is only limited to "sharia" and pseudo. Since meeting the attractive-looking Saminah, Restu broke the peace agreement with his wife herself.

After months, no matter how clever Restu kept his affair with his girlfriend Saminah, finally he was caught by sending an SMS and forgot to delete it. Restu's wife was furious, and even her children, who had grown up, began to terrorize Saminah. His status as ASN was challenged. The case reached the regent. Luckily, at the time of the Pilkada, his family supported the elected regent so that the "affair" could be resolved in chopped.

The Saminah and Restu cases are only one of hundreds of cases about the dangers of loving someone's husband. Such cases have not only been committed by “single parent” women but also often happened to girls, but the romance is not as beautiful as imagined, there are many mines that must be passed which in the end have fate; divorced, married or married by divorcing his wife. What does it mean to live by robbing and sacrificing the happiness of others.

It is difficult to understand the feelings of love for women to men who are married. It's just that there have been many miserable lessons. So it is natural that it is forbidden to love someone's husband.

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia

Note: This article is a free translation of my writing which has already been posted on other social media and local newspapers.