in OCD4 years ago

Fauzan Azima Laugh for the past experience .jpg

I would rather live in the wilderness to continue the struggle for Aceh Independent rather than go down and live in a bustling city with a mad bustle of wealth and ambitions for power.

But I am also human; want to also enjoy western menu dishes; half-cooked fried Dori fish wrapped in crispy flour served with salad and covered with mayonnaise.

Moreover, the tongseng [Indonesian dish] with pepper, bay leaves, onion, ginger, galangal, and lemongrass, also don't forget the tuna fish soup and mustard greens with star fruit seasoning which makes the sour taste feel right on the tongue.

Plus the tenderloin steak from "virgin" cow which is a favorite menu at the Chicago Restaurant, Singapore, which measures six guests for a fee of IDR. 30 million. The price is equivalent to inviting the villagers to eat in our country.

All the "westernized" food menus are neatly arranged on a clean table and comfortable chairs. We enjoy it slowly like royalty in a palace or palace accompanied by ladies-in-waiting while discussing, "Which TNI / Polri posts are we going to attack tonight?"

If all this happened in guerrilla from forest to forest; maybe no one wants to go down the mountain to accept Aceh within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. But in fact, rarely those who can stand hunger continue throughout the guerrilla, except for those who stand firmly on their vows.

With that condition, I myself saved my charity from hunger by fasting the Prophet Daud AS; a day of fasting and a day of breaking the fast. It is not uncommon for nothing to eat when breaking the fast. Absurdly responsibility, continue fasting again. Because I often fast, my body weight is less than 50 kg. My ribs started to stick out like piano keys.

I was so often hungry, at that time, I thought that hunger was just a matter of thought. Like breakfast with bread and rice, it turns out to be the same as holding back hunger. Likewise, eating without eating is the same as being full. Indeed, the conditions at that time were certainly "abnormal" for normal people now.

Actually, just being hungry doesn't matter. The problem is that hunger is surrounded and attacked again. Often in a state of hunger, sometimes unable to walk anymore, therapy when the enemy's weapon barks, it can also run fast. That is the human instinct to save himself.

Syekh Jama'at or popularly known as Tengku Alus, and I call him "Abang" has the ability to penetrate space and time. So there is no need to worry about food shortages. In a moment he went to the bush, returned home with dates and hot snacks.

Among us, the guerrillas did not have the ability like Abang Tengku Alus. So with all the risks, you have to go down to the village looking for food supplies. Not infrequently, going down to the village did not know the terrain, so that one entered the TNI / Polri post to ask for rice.

That was the fate of Pang Cekala from Samarkilang who did not know that his brother's house had turned into an enemy headquarters. Rice was not obtained, instead shots were barked from the enemy headquarters. Luckily Pang Cekala survived.

It also happened, when the guerrillas were cooking breakfast in the "Bathin Pak Budi" area. The guerrillas cooked to the accompaniment of music and songs on the radio from the Project Pop group "Dangdut Is The Music of My Country" which was viral at that time.

The music was too loud, so the guerrillas were not aware that the enemy was stalking them. Suddenly ... bang ... bang ... bang ... the enemy shot straight at the radio and the rice priok was boiling. Then there was a firing contact. There were no victims from the guerrillas, except for having to endure hunger in that unfriendly morning.

On other occasions; also in the morning, Pang Ayah Pong, Pang Gerep and Pang Medang are cooking rice in the Upper Bathin area. They didn't realize that they were surrounded.

Even Pang Ayah Pom who was carrying an AK-56 asked a TNI member "What are you doing, Sir?" Maybe the TNI had just woken up and answered casually, "We're operating, sir!" There was no chance of armed contact, but the guerrillas were forced to leave rice pot to avoid the siege.

This article is based on a true story of my past life experiences, the entire content of the writing is mine, this is a free translation that I made on a blog so that more people can read it. Thank you for supporting this article by upvote and share.

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra-Indonesia