Lessons From another region in Sumatra, Jambi

in OCD4 years ago


The Jambi Regional Government, both at the provincial and district/city levels, always collaborates with universities. There are no local government activities that do not involve universities. This includes preparing the Jambi Government's RPJM and RPJP because the campus is considered a normative and idealistic institution.

So that structural and cross-sectoral institutions that come to Jambi, the local government gives a dominant role to universities there, not only for government affairs but also for business affairs.

Companies; Plantation and mining also always involve universities in running their business units.

Academics are given full responsibility, so that they always improve their scientific capacity, not only achieving Masters and Doctoral degrees, but also other skills.

So much is the appreciation of the Jambi Regional Government for academics which they have started since the 1980s until now. The tradition of respect for universities should be an example for us.

Mandele, Aceh Sumatra-Indonesia