Seeing the God Substance in Pink Lipstick

in OCD4 years ago

meditasi fauzan.jpg

"Subhanallah ... Something is a world and that world is pink lipstick" I said to myself when I saw her lips when we broke our fast together at a cafe in One-One, Takengon.
“Astaghfirullah! Is it sinful that I looked at your terrible lips? " I'm starting to feel guilty.

I remember the advice of a Mutakallimin; something odd should not be disclosed to the public. It could be that the person who hates you is looking for justification to harm you.

History has taught us to be careful in areas of difference. Especially in the word "love" and its derivatives, and the word "hate" as well as its derivatives.

There have been too many deaths in this world due to love wrapped in the name of ideology, ideology, point of view, boundaries, and even religion. Almost all the root causes of chaos in this world are born from the opposite word "love", namely hate.

Sheikh Hamzah Al-Fansuri and his students were murdered because their preaching was deemed to deviate from sharia. As it turned out, investigated had investigated, the basis for the murder was because of the hatred of someone whose application was rejected.

"The Sheikh" is considered to have prevented someone's marriage. The murder incident was one of a series of "love calamities in Aceh."

The issue of "bloody love" does not only happen in our country. Long before, at the time of Prophet Isa AS or Christians called him "Jesus", the authorities planned to kill the Son of Mary because of a matter of rejected love.

The reason is, Princess Magdalene from the Roman Empire fell in love with "Jesus". So that it encourages the desire of "fall in love" to kill him on the grounds of spreading teachings contrary to the traditions of their ancestors.

Whereas in the "love competition" the players must be sporty. If you are eliminated, you shouldn't be hurt. It's so naive that love is rejected and then justifies violence in the name of something holy.

To be honest, there is no basis for all of us to hate each other, let alone kill each other because all of us come from "The One and Only". Including lips that are smeared with pink lipstick.

When "kun awal" before there was anything before there was heaven, earth, chairs, levels, ponds, and pens, also the word was not there, the "tajalli" beginning was "Nur Muhammad" who looked around him as nothing, except his being.

In solitude, "Nur Muhammad" thought that he was God and had tawhād syyahadat; "Asyhadu alla Ilahaillallah," then came the voice of the Apostle's creed; "Asyhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah" from Allah actually.

"Nur Muhammad" realized his mistake immediately said; "Astaghfirullahaladzim alladzi lailahaillallah huwal hayyul qayyum wa atubu ilaih," as the origin of repentance.

Before we categorized it, before there were hijaiyah letters, alphabet letters, alpabeth letters, numbers, we were one unit in the frame of "Nurullah".

Again there is no reason to hate anything and anyone because we come from the same "Substance". Including lips along with pink lipstick that polishes it.

"God's substance" has been represented to His creatures, as the Hadith that is often quoted is: Tafakkaru fi khalq Allah, wala tafakkaru fi Dzat Allah (Think of Allah's creatures and don't think of Allah's Substance).

It is completely different from the "Substance of God" with His creatures, as confirmed in the Koran, "Laisa kamitslihi shayi" (There is nothing similar to Him. "(Surah As-Shura: 11).

It's just that, as in Asmaul Husna, the similarities to the noble qualities that are recommended to be imitated by humans: Takhallaqu bi akhlaq Allah (Akhlaklah with the morals of Allah).
The suggestion to build a character with noble and praiseworthy qualities should be practiced so that we are far from the realm of hatred, away from pride, and always have compassion for all beings, even though they differ in the point of view of problems and ideology; Moreover, it is different in the choice of lipstick colors that polish the lips of the women, of course, it doesn't matter more.


“Subhanallah...Sesuatu itu adalah dunia dan dunia itu adalah lipstik warna pink” ucapku dalam hati ketika melihat bibirmu kala kita berbuka puasa bersama pada sebuah cafe di One-One, Takengon.
“Astaghfirullah! Berdosakah aku menatap bibirmu yang dahsyat itu?” aku mulai merasa bersalah.

Saya ingat nasehat dari seorang mutakallimin; sesuatu yang ganjil jangan diungkapkan pada khalayak ramai. Bisa jadi orang yang membencimu mencari pembenaran untuk mencelakaimu.

Sejarah telah mengajarkan kepada kita untuk berhati-hati pada wilayah perbedaan. Terutama dalam kata “cinta” beserta turunannya, dan kata “benci” juga beserta turunannya.

Sudah terlalu banyak peristiwa kematian di dunia ini akibat cinta yang dibungkus atas nama ideologi, faham, sudut pandang, batas wilayah, bahkan agama. Hampir semua akar masalah kekacauan di dunia ini lahir dari lawan kata “cinta”, yakni benci.

Sheikh Hamzah Al-Fansuri beserta murid-muridnya dibunuh karena dakwahnya dianggap menyimpang dari syariat. Ternyata, selidik punya selidik, dasar pembunuhan itu karena kebencian seseorang yang lamarannya ditolak.

“Sang Sheikh” dianggap telah menghalangi pernikahan seseorang itu. Peristiwa pembunuhan itu merupakan salah satu dari rangkaian “Malapetaka cinta di Aceh.”

Soal “Cinta berdarah” itu bukan saja terjadi di negeri kita. Jauh sebelumnya, pada zaman Nabi Isa AS atau orang Kristen menyebutnya sebagai “Yesus”, oleh penguasa merencanakan pembunuhan kepada Putra Maryam itu juga karena soal cinta yang tertolak.

Pasalnya, Putri Magdalena dari Kerajaan Romawi jatuh cinta kepada “Yesus”. Sehingga mendorong hasrat para “pejatuh cinta” untuk membunuhnya dengan alasan menyebarkan ajaran yang bertentangan dengan tradisi nenek moyang mereka.

Padahal dalam “kompetisi cinta” para pemain harus sportif. Kalau tersingkir tidak boleh sakit hati. Naif sekali cinta ditolak lalu membenarkan kekerasan atas nama sesuatu yang suci.

Sejujurnya, tidak ada dasar bagi kita sekalian untuk saling membenci, apalagi saling membunuh karena semua kita berasal dari “Yang Maha Esa”. Termasuk bibir yang dipolesi lipstik warna pink.

Tatkala "kun awal" sebelum ada apa-apa, sebelum ada langit, bumi, kursi, aras, kolam dan pena, juga firman belum ada, awal yang tajalli adalah “Nur Muhammad” yang memandang sekelilingnya tidak ada sesuatu, kecuali dirinya yang wujud.

Pada kesendiriannya, “Nur Muhammad” mengira bahwa dirinyalah Tuhan dan bersyahadat tauhid; "Asyhadu alla Ilahaillallah," lalu terdengarlah suara syahadat Rasul; "Asyhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah" dari Allah sebenarnya.

“Nur Muhammad” menyadari kesilapannya segera berucap; "Astaghfirullahal 'adziim alladzi lailahaillallah huwal hayyul qayyum wa atubu ilaih," sebagai asal usul taubat.

Sebelum kita mengkotak-kotakkan, sebelum ada huruf hijaiyah, huruf abjad, huruf alpabeth, angka, kita adalah satu kesatuan dalam bingkai “Nurullah”.

Sekali lagi tidak ada alasan untuk membenci apa dan siapapun karena kita berasal dari satu “Zat” yang sama. Termasuk bibir beserta lipstik warna pink yang memolesinya.

“Zat Tuhan” sudah direfresentasikan kepada makhluk-Nya, sebagai mana Hadis yang sering di kutip ialah: Tafakkaru fi khalq Allah, wala tafakkaru fi Dzat Allah (Pikirkanlah makhluk Allah dan jangan memikirkan Zat Allah).

Sama sekali berbeda “Zat Tuhan” dengan makhluk-Nya, sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam Alquran, “Laisa kamitslihi syai’ (Tidak ada sesuatu pun yang serupa dengan-Nya.” (QS. As-Syura: 11).

Hanya saja, seperti di dalam Asmaul Husna, keserupaan dengan sifat-sifat luhur yang dianjurkan untuk ditiru manusia: Takhallaqu bi akhlaq Allah (Berakhlaklah dengan akhlak Allah).
Anjuran membangun karakter dengan sifat-sifat luhur dan terpuji patut diamalkan agar kita jauh dari wilayah kebencian, jauh dari kesombongan dan selalu kasih sayang kepada semua makhluk, meskipun berbeda dalam sudut pandang masalah dan ideologi; apalagi berbeda dalam pilihan warna lipstik yang memolesi bibir para perempuan, tentu lebih tidak masalah.

This article is based on a true story of my past life experiences, the entire content of the writing is mine, this is a free translation that I made on a blog so that more people can read it. Thank you for supporting this article by upvote and share.

Mendele, Aceh Sumatra-Indonesia