in OCD4 years ago


It hurts, parting while the love still lingers in my chest. Moreover, there are too many memories that cannot be erased from memory. Maybe that friend's destiny was not matched. So they have to part when the love flowers are blooming.

"Remembering that, I felt I could no longer live in this world" said a friend who expressed his feelings to me.

I can only be silent while turning my brain. Where do I start to calm him down? Ah, I better just let that friend tell me all his problems. Maybe by pouring out his heart it becomes "plong".

From the story, it turns out that the friend had married a series with her idol. Unlike her first husband who divorced when there was no love anymore. When he left, the friend, felt no burden.

The only things that make this friend have to be on good terms with her ex-husband are the children who still need a father figure. So even though they have separated, communication remains smooth to show the children as if nothing happened.

The friend is desperate to "marry under the hand" on the basis of the love and blessing of his parents and is worried about falling into sin. His willingness to match and the duration of meeting him once a week for him is not a problem. The longer they do not see each other the stronger the feeling of longing. Think of the method as "halal dating."

"As smart as possible to save a young wife, eventually getting old too" people say is true, but unfortunately the friend was discovered as a siri wife by her husband's wife before he was old.

It turns out that it is very high risk of bearing a "siri wife". The friend is in danger of being laid off from his job. The problem is that if you get laid off, it's a pity for your children to drop out of school because you don't have to pay anymore.

Not to mention being accused of violating Article 551 of the Criminal Code, "jumping the fence of a neighbor's house without permission" could result in a fine and imprisonment. Regardless of the cruelty of the article, perhaps it can be a remedy for jealousies who are worried about their partner jumping the fence.

Forced to be the only way for the good of all parties, they must part with proof of a divorce certificate signed on a 6000 stamp duty. The problem is love is about the heart, not the number of stamps.

I tried to analyze with a cool head. The letter only says "divorce" Polan binti polan. It turns out that the happy father is smart too, he wrote that he is divorced, it should be triple divorce. It seems. the word divorce and divorce three needs a special study.

Trust me, the opportunity to reconcile is wide open. It's just whether it's used or not. Therefore, friends stop crying and wipe your tears immediately. Think of it as the salt tears of life, but don't dissolve in sadness.

(Mendale, 15 August 2020)


Hana ķati mongot kucinga Ketua....?

Salam kopi gayo☕☕☕☕☕☕