The Man In a Gold Cage

in OCD4 years ago


From friends' stories, all commanders and generals were afraid of their wives. Not only among the TNI and Polri, but also among former GAM members, they have to give in if they don't want to be said to be afraid of their household.

Likewise, people who are fierce and sanger. When he met his wife when he scolded someone, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, “Eh! Mama, sorry Mama, Papa brought the clothes first. " Such is the theory of balance; there is a wife's fearful side to a brave man.

Some popular figures who "surrendered"
to his wife; Among other things, General Napoleon Bonapartepun who controlled most of the Erofa land because of his bravery and military-strategic expertise, when entering the palace door his chest narrowed down in front of his wife, Josephine de Beauharnais.

When the former Deputy Governor of Aceh, Muhammad Nazar failed to lobby here and there so that the Democratic Party would nominate him as a candidate for Governor of Aceh in 2011 only succeeded after pleading with Ms. Ani Yudoyono, only then did Pak SBY bless Nazar to become the Acehnese Cagub of the Democratic Party.

President Director of BUMN PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Emirsyah Sattar has successfully managed the Garuda airline to become a credible company and a classy airline. Unfortunately, because he was afraid of his wife, Sandria Abubakar, who was called "the big lady", intervened too much, causing the BUMN in the aviation sector to lose Rp. 1, 8 Trillion more.

The powerful Prado Cloud and a scheming strategist called "the head of reason" is also afraid of his wife who comes from the coast and is known to be stingy.

The "loving" Prado cloud had to find a way to make his grandchildren happy. The opportunity for him is that when his wife leaves, his grandchildren are ordered to exchange the chicken eggs that are being incubated by the mother for avocado seeds.

Said Sayyidana Ali bin Abi Talib, "Women can hold their love for 40 years, but cannot contain feelings of jealousy even for a moment."

In fact, it is the fire of jealousy that stimulates the desire of economically prosperous wives so that their husbands are not going anywhere and always be at home. Like a bird in a golden cage. Movement is limited and can be monitored for 24 hours.

I see that one of the reasons for the low life expectancy of the generals and commanders is the factor of the "cruelty" of wives. Among former GAM commanders, the life expectancy is only 51 years.

Compare this with the average life expectancy of Indonesians which has reached 71 years. Of course, the factor of short life also depends on dietary irregularities, lack of exercise, congenital diseases, and Allah's destiny.

Not only that, the amount of jealousy towards her husband, it is not uncommon for the wife to go to a dukun; use her husband so as not to be another heart.

Just a suggestion, if you have to go to a dukun, choose a shaman who is professional. Usually, they are experts in providing disease, but also able to provide an antidote.

I worry that mothers go to smart, amateurish people; sometimes it can corrupt the father's people, but it cannot heal. The amateur shaman is like a homemade bomb that we don't know the extent of its explosive power and the dangers of the explosion.

Have mercy on the Father! Don't stop them from being manly and dignified. Watch the eagles on the high seas circling in the air before plunging into the sea to catch fish.
Looks handsome and dignified. How about an eagle in a cage; perhaps we can gaze at the beauty of its feathers, but lose their prowess and dignity.

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia

Note: This post is a free translation of my writings which have been circulating in Indonesian, both on Social Media and in Local Newspapers.