"Tick" One Night

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Oh yeah, before I forget! The night was not too late. Teenagers still strum their guitars while singing songs that are less popular in the ears of people who are old like me.

Some adults are still lining up to get their turn shaved at the "Elegant Barber" in the complex where I now live.

Meanwhile, from the mushalla that is closest to the congregation, the congregation has started to chant the dala'il with gusto as a tradition of Friday nights which was also a custom of the people in the past.

Dala'il is not only a tradition of entertainment, but a source of spiritual strength to enter knowledge into the inner heart of the singer. Knowledge is one in the soul with regularity of priodesasi and taste.

Even when something that is used to be chanted over and over again, if it is not done one time it will feel lacking. Like someone who always gets WA messages, then doesn't accept the same thing at one time feels something is missing.

"So the practice is not how much we read or how much wealth we contribute in a large amount at one time, but it is regularity even though we only read 'Bismillah' once and it feels," said the lecture of the ustadz from another mushalla.

The night was like a benevolent story feast. Unlike the group of young men who are looking for an identity, they are more interested in ghost stories. "Take it easy bro! Kuntilanak is still grooming at this hour" he joked with laughter.

I myself have several problems that I need to confirm with my friends. I sent a message via WA to someone who still ticked one. I am patiently waiting, maybe the signal is not friendly.

I tried to call directly, it turned out that the cellphone was really dead. I turned to other friends, the tick was still one too. Furthermore, to other friends, they still ticked one again.

I have sent twelve colleagues to WA, all tick one. Heeem! I tried to contact a friend who is the same fate. The answer made me smile.

O Allah, it has been a long time since I felt the joy of worship. The dome of the mosque is made in such a way that the goal is to reach the peak of enjoyment in ritual worship.

Each person constructs the perception of pleasure downstream. There are those who say, "reading books is a pleasure that is incomparable," there are others who argue, "the pleasure of dhikr overrides other favors."

I don't know, I hope the story about "favors" is not like my friend said, "the number of islands in Indonesia is 17 thousand, if you don't believe, just count it yourself."

Mendale, Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia

Note: This post is a free translation of my writings which have been circulating in Indonesian, both on Social Media and in Local Newspapers.


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