SUCCESS can't just happen to you! Do you know why?

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Dream big!
Look beyond now!
The sky is your limit!

As beautiful as these words may sound, their realities are tied to three brothers:

    |If you must be great; Value, Commitment and Consistency must be your watch word.|


No great personality ever register their name in the hall of fame by chance, these three undivided partnership led them to the top.

Are you among those who count success to be by chance or luck as some people would call it?
Then you should also remind yourself that if wishes were horse beggers would ride.

Little wonder Abraham Lincoln said, "the best way to predict your future is to create it."

Myles Munroe said that the richest place on earth is the graveyard.
This is so true because a lot of people died with great dreams and possibilities that were never tapped.

There are people who can conceive excellent ideas but never allow those ideas find an expression outside their thoughts. There are those who just believe one day I'll be great.

Every human is born with the capacity to birth greatness. No body is really empty as it may seem, YOU HAVE SOMETHING to offer your world.

VALUE is either innate or acquired but in either way, both needs to be developed and harness which is where many get it wrong.
Value are those possibilities, ideas, dreams, aspirations, desires, wishes etc as they can be described.

You're irrelevant if you can't offer any value to better your life and that of those around you.

For VALUE to be potent,
COMMITMENT cannot be over emphasised and this is attached to diligence to the actualization of such reality. You have to be committed to create modalities and induced actions in a realistic way. CONSISTENCY over time regardless of the challenges that may arise births the greatness.

CONSISTENCY test your patience and how resilient you can be in the face of challenges because every journey to greatness comes with its unique hurdles which can not be avoided.
Yeah, cannot be avoided because No Pain, No Gain and No Story, No Glory.

  • SUCCESS can't just happen to you simply because you desire or wish for it.
  • Success can't just happen to you because you're black or white.
  • Success can't just happen because you're beautiful or handsome.
  • Success can't just happen because you're tall or short.
    Success happens to those who carve a niche for themselves and create plans on how to achieve the desired result.

Success is intentional!
Success is goal oriented!
Success comes with a price!
Success is time bound!

You have a dream and an aspirations, yes I know. But how do you intend to make them a reality if you don't have a realistic plan backed up by determination???

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