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RE: ENGAGE ON HIVE: Finding Beauty In Lockdown. The Most Amateur Photographer You Will Ever Meet!

in OCD4 years ago

One cannot argue with the logic of the wise Confucius right? I am glad his, and my own, core-values align. Lol.

I think the best way forward here is to find reward in the things we can actually control, and that's our own writing and the amount, and effectiveness of, engagement. If we put our feelings of reward in other people's hands we are sure to be disappointed at some stage. Better that we control the controllable's including where, and in what we draw satisfaction and reward from as individuals.

I don't know how many times I got my photos back from the shop and looked at them thinking, why did I even bother. I still do it now, but can erase them and have another go. Talk about progress.

Thanks for your reply. All the best.