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RE: Ancient sea bed and toasted sandwiches

in OCD4 years ago

My intro post went live on the 13th June 2017...It would take ages to dig it up. I think by going through some of my recent posts you'll get a reasonable idea of what I'm all about...On hive anyway. In real life I'm so much more than I post here.

I've been shooting for almost 30 years so, a long time. It's not all i do though, I have many other hobbies. I'm not a one-dimensional person.

I look forward to interacting with you.


Ahh, sound like a really interesting person, just like @sidwrites ( thought he is not into shooting, he is always into some new interesting stuff and crazy ideas).

Yepp, you will be seeing me more on your profile.

Have a good day.

BTW, found your post, didn't take much, just one google search.

My brother lives in Adelaide too.

There you go! You didn't need me to do it after all. Saved me the time. What does your brother do in Adelaide?

Ahh, I thought a lot of people made their re-intros on hive, so you could have done that too and had a link to it.

Anyways, my brother is chartered accountant, though he is on study visa there as of now.

I didn't do another intro on hive, it seemed dumb considering I did one on steem three years ago. I didn't see a need to do another. People knew who I was already.

Ah ok, a student. We have a couple good universities here.
