Thanks Zack. It's really weird not to have him here, pushing his head into me seeking a pat or cuddle. I walked in to the house today after being out and called where's Merlin like I always do...Started crying after as clearly he is not here. Kinda sucks. we'll be ok though. Cleo will get all of the residual cuddles that would normally go to Merlin, so double cuddles for her.
Cheers mate, and no doubt, we'll get through this just fine. I'm sure Cleo will enjoy a monopoly on cuddles for now.
She likes the attention...Gets it already, but is sure to get more now.
It's like my attitude around chocolate chip cookies. I don't mind sharing, it's fun, but I'd take all of it for myself if I could. Understandable.
She's a little princess...You know, 75% of the time we'll put her food down at 5pm, we always feed them at the same time of day, and she'll be on the couch or something...She'll just look over as if to say well G-dog, here I am. Carry me. And we do.
Fancy being carried to the dinner table form wherever you're sleeping. She's a lazy little thing, but it's a good excuse for another cuddle I guess. Win-win situation.
You know, that's stick situation I don't mind being in, to be honest. Extra cuddles, maybe a purr or two, and food! You say she's lazy, but in my experience, that's nearly every single feline. Even the King of the Jungle isn't immune to lounging about...
Lol...Yeah Cleo doesn't mind the extra attention. She is like the queen of the household now...Everything revolves around her. It's so funny to see her little face when we put her food down...She sits on the lounge and looks at me like...Well, you know what to do...Snap to it human. And dutifully I come over, pick her up and carry her to her food.
Mate, I thought you were living in Australia, not ancient Egypt XD! Cats are revered as gods there, and it does look like Cleo sees herself as one. I wonder if you should make a carrying chair like this, made from Legos, and maybe topped with a small cushion. You'd still have to carry your cat overlord to her dinner, but hey, at least you'd look cool doing it!