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RE: Weekend-engagement week five: Winners announcement

in OCD4 years ago

Give up too easy seems to be the norm in society, and so on hive to I guess. It's annoying as if people pushed on a little they would see things develop. Alas, they all want to be a millionaire in their first three weeks and if not they either get involved with reward pool abuse or just leave. It's a problem here and in society, the real world.

You made it here because you worked hard. Plain and simple.

It seems so hard for people to stay the course these days. They get too distracted by the expectation mentality society values. Frustrating.

Still, some of us engage, and build relationships. It's the aspect here that I value, like I value the actual relationships.


I agree, it's definitely a society flaw, instant gratification, cheating or the highway. I was hoping covid situation would change that mindset. Nothing worth it comes easy or instant. Lol I don't think any of us made millions from hive yet! I think expectations is a big part of it. People need to remember this is a new project and a new concept in the building, the hard work now will pay off later if this becomes successful, it's future success is in all of our hands. Early bird gets the worm, everyone here now is an early bird.

People also forget the exposure they could get in the future outside of the platform, like a virtual art/photo/writing portfolio anyone can view. This is the perfect opportunity to practice our craft and take it to a professional level at our own pace and a less intimidating informal setting while having fun. I remember being the first 500 to join facebook and it was super lame back then, it's still a crap social media but look where it is now a little over 15 years later, everyone and their granny are on it and hardly anyone gets a dime for their time and effort.

Same here, I have made so many virtual friends here just bullshitting around, it's awesome. I'm here for the long term prospects of a retirement career when I'm too old for the oil industry. Not necessarily getting my income from hive but it's a publishing platform for my work and hope to get to write local tourism gigs and get my photos out there. I want a photography book and hive records my stories one by one, then later when I'm ready, I can just edit and will already have a potential audience for it to help get the journey started. When I travel around and visit local businesses and want to include them in my posts, they get so excited that I want to include them even tho I'm small potatoes on a new platform. Hive can have real life applications, it's up to us to see the bigger picture and use it accordingly. If nothing like that ever happens, well I had a blast anyway.