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RE: Do not forget, Aceh Is Not Independent!

in OCD4 years ago

It's not considered legit to copy and paste the same post twice here. This is possibly just an error on your part so I've simply down voted it to return the rewards back to the reward pool for the rest of the community to enjoy. All the best.


No problem my friends, I post twice caused My signal bad in my area this morning,and such you know, I am new here, so I do not know to delete this part 🙏🙏🙏🙏

I figured it was a mistake which is why I didn't report it to @hivewatchers. It happens I guess. All the best.

Thank you my friends, followed you and thank you for coming also comment 🙏

I hope to see you around sometime and to see you engage with the community and do some great posts too!


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