[ESP/ENG]Flor de Corona de Cristo//Christ Crown Flower

in OCD3 years ago


Hola queridos amigo de esta maravillosa comunidad agradecida por estar nuevamente compartiendo con ustedes mis contenidos espero que les agrade.


Hello dear friends of this wonderful community, grateful for being once again sharing my content with you, I hope you like it.



Esta hermosa planta llamada Corona de Cristo por que posee una espinas en su tallo, sus flores son muy llamativas y existen de varios colores como rojo , amarilla, anaranjado,blanca es ideal para los jardines.


This beautiful plant called Corona de Cristo because it has thorns on its stem, its flowers are very showy and exist in various colors such as red, yellow, orange, white, it is ideal for gardens.


Esta hermosa planta es atraida por los animales voladores como moscas, abejas, mosquitos, mariposa, turpial etc.
sus hojas son de color verde y crecen cerca de las flores, no necesita de mucho cuidado, ya que es muy resistente al verano.


This beautiful plant is attracted to flying animals such as flies, bees, mosquitoes, butterflies, turpial etc.
Its leaves are green and grow close to the flowers, it does not need much care, since it is very resistant to summer.


Espero que sea de su interes este post, gracias por votar y comentar bendiciones, quien hablo para ustedes @gladiannys


I hope this publication is of interest to you, thank you for voting and commenting I wish you many blessings, who I speak for all of you @gladiannys


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@tipu curate

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